2018-04-09 20:12:20
2017-11-20 14:22:49
There's not really much to see in Urumqi and this is one of the few good spots. The park is very well-maintained and clean - there are artificial lakes, areas for the kids to play, pagodas, food vendors. It seems to be a very popular spot with the locals - we visited during the weekend and it was full of families with kids. The views from up there are incredible.
2018-01-16 09:18:09
The park is just a park, but it is well maintained, has nice temples and pagodas, and if you're willing to pay for the tickets, there are rides for kids. All in all my group really enjoyed it.
2018-04-13 19:39:41
Very popular with the locals, the park offers superb views of the city and is a pleasant place to spend a few hours in, either strolling or lounging.
2017-12-10 21:11:44
Spring had not yet arrived, so nothing blooming and no water in the ponds. So, it wasn't a pretty when I saw it. I did not go to the top but wish I did. A nice stop for a few minutes.
2018-03-13 18:21:39
It is a long walk to the top, and what you get to see is a view of any large (and dirty) city - skyline dominated by the local furniture market. It is a park and so there is some greenery, but nothing spectacularMore interesting is the pagoda at the top (pay extra) which houses a large number of historic and modern regional photographs. For me this is what dragged it up to a 3* attraction.
2018-01-28 08:52:36
Great view from top. Peace and quiet and lashings of local life.
2018-03-02 07:13:22
Наверное единственная достопримечательность, приятная для посещения и отдыха. Тихо, спокойно, красиво, чистый воздух, вид на весь город.
2018-02-16 17:59:33
Из-за неспокойной обстановки в Урумчи лучше не ходить по достопримечательностям. Но если все же вы надумали пойти, то красная гора-лучшее и безопасное место.
2018-01-02 11:12:07
Ein gro? angelegter Park mit hoher Aufenthaltsqualit?t. Von mehreren Punkten, besonders am Westrand des Parks bei der achtstufigen Pagode, hat man einen sch?nen Rundblick über die moderne Gro?stadt. Au?erdem kann man als Tourist in entspannter Atmosph?re viele Menschen beobachten und fotografische Studien betreiben.