2018-04-02 08:05:03
2018-01-26 18:51:11
2018-02-07 12:10:10
This half-mile-long monument is even more magnificent than the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D. C. It's truly a sacred site for the alive to pay tribute to the dead. I really hope there could be a platform in its front for the visitors to lay flowers or wreaths, at least on certain days of the year.
2017-12-28 17:31:36
..but even more dust. The memorial hall and the monument square deliver the same message and have the same "quality". The monument square is nice in the late evenings for a stroll before bed. Watching the older people dance and young people have a nice time.That is, of you are around anyway.
2018-01-08 17:33:36
This actually a guite good museum in Tangshan, detailing the the 1976 earthquake. Clean, well organized and was very pleasent inside considering 30c today. Gave good details of the destruction and rebuilding, some English translations. Surrounding park is nice as well, good to fly a kite. And unlike many attractions in China, this museum is FREE.
2018-03-17 13:23:29
Il monumento è sull’altro lato della piazza centrale di Tangshan rispetto al memoriale del terremoto. Costruito in forma di quattro piloni trapezoidali di trenta metri con un monumento più basso attorno che ricorda le rovine della città. Mentre i piloni simboleggiano la ricostruzione che riemerge e, rivedere il luogo dopo che c’ero già stato a vent’anni dal terremoto quando la ricostruzione era ancora in divenire è davvero un’impressione forte.